Sunday, January 25, 2009

What new mystery is this?

What causes the heart to seek adventure? Why, despite the modern, comfort-seeking culture that we live in, do some of us find ourselves yearning for that which lies beyond the borders of our own immediate experience. We approach these ambitions with the knowledge that they may very well lead to discomfort, or even danger. However, we pursue them all the same, sometimes even more fervently in the face of this realization. Is it a result of a discontented nature that we have developed with the current predictable lifestyle that American society dictates as successful or prudent? Perhaps it is a revolution within some, who, turning from the trend towards modernity and stability, strive to return to a simpler, more naturally bound existence.
I have come to understand that my desires to this effect stem from an intense desire to experience whatever I can while I can. I feel an obligation to never accept mediocrity as the correct order of things, but rather to embrace every challenge and make the most of any opportunity given to me. Anyone can just coast safely through life and achieve what any other could have with half a measure of ambition and no challenges to the contrary in their position. I feel that, given such vast opportunity for pursuits in raw experiences as is present in my condition, it would be an absolute wasteful shame to take a backseat approach to this life that I have been granted.
I suppose that when seriously asked why I constantly seek enterprise and unique experiences, my explainable reasons would be fairly simple. 1. I hope to find a way to grow closer to those who are willing to pursue adventure with me. 2. I want to have stories of my own to tell my children and inspire dreams within them.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I am not really familiar with the world of blogging. I created this page based on inspiration that I gained through my good friend, Jared Korver. I have little idea on what I will write about, or, for that matter, who will want to read it. I do not consider myself someone abundantly blessed with the gift of insight. Understanding this, I intend to record my thoughts as the come to me, in whatever manner they may come to me. Basically, (and in the words of Korver) "I have grown more and more weary of useless words and conversations that I have throughout the course of my life, and this is a way for me to spill my guts about what really matters to me. Without interruption and without reservation."
I hope that this can do some good, or at least impact someone in some way. Ultimately, I am not looking to make a profound impression in the world through an internet blog. However, I do desire to glorify He who has given me breath, and wish to record the adventures that I encounter along the way in some fashion.

This will do for now.

Friday, January 2, 2009


If I could choose what life would be mine, it would be this life that I now have, at this time. I believe that my contented nature is a gift from a Lord that I have submitted the strength of my own will and future to. I strive to make daily attempts to separate myself from the asinine bonds of this world, and surrender my struggles and stubborn desires to create my own happiness. In return, I believe I have been granted a sort of knowing serenity in the shadowing power of a God who has given strength to men much greater than myself, as well as an attitude of humility toward my own lack of control in most situations. This life, the life that I have chosen, one of terrifying unknowns and wondrous possibilities, is where I have truly learned to seek the face of Christ. When you share that life with friends like those that I have come to know, you realize a greater joy in your daily undertakings than you could have come to expect on this earth.
I used to primarily seek solitude. However, I have come to understand the rich depth that such intimate friendships can add to one's life. It is amazing to me that God has allowed these people to be put in my path; individuals so vastly different, yet all so akin to my own heart. I suppose some of my appreciation comes from the fact that these friends serve as a form of validation for my own path. Seeing so many wonderful souls arriving at a similar place, and knowing that they arrived there along a different road, tells me that I am following my heart truly. These people have absolutely humbled me in their honesty, strength, love, and devotion. I want to thank all of them here, and express my great desire to show the care that I have for them in any way that I can.