Monday, September 15, 2014


In a portion of the tennis-fan world, the term GOAT is frequently used as a moniker for the longer phrase "greatest of all time".

I think this is hilarious.

Let me talk about my friends for a moment.
My friends are GOAT.

See years-ago post:

I have the privilege of calling some of the most respectable men and women I've ever met friends.
Each of them have unique and admirable qualities, and I count myself lucky to have the influence of their companionship.

My family is GOAT.
I'm proud of them, and feel lucky to have been born in to a group of people that provide such unwaivering love and support.

I bring all of this up because I have been thinking on why it is that I have found myself sticking around the North Carolina piedmont for the foreseeable future.  It certainly is not what was expected, neither by myself nor those who know me well. 
Admittedly, I much prefer the idea of Alaska, Colorado, western NC - places like that.

It is because that which I value most, the relationships I am building with my friends and family, have become much more important to me than I could have understood years ago. 

A buddy of mine said recently that he was taking stock of what he held as most valuable and putting more effort towards those things.  Subsequently, he was going to focus less on that which he viewed as frivolous, and maximize opportunity to spend time with those who enrich his life.

I can get behind that.

At this particular point in time, my desire to foster relationships and enjoy the company of those I care most about outweighs any desire for adventure and dedicated autonomy. 

When circumstances should serve to change this, I'll be thankful for the time that I have had.

For right now, my priorities are with my people.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


"Strengths" is the longest single syllable word in the English language.

That is not particularly relevant to what I intend to discuss, but it is a mildly interesting bit of trivia.

I used to believe that the pursuit of strength was paramount; that weakness was a thing to be overcome in stages throughout life. Every day can be focused in a way that somehow minimizes or combats your weaknesses.

Until now, my focus has been conquest over personal deficiency.  Within this consistent goal of self-betterment, I found a displaced sense of purpose.

I have come to realize that I am not a strong man. I have insecurities, faults, doubts, anxiety, bad habits, shortcomings, selfish ambitions, and any other negative attribute you can think up.
These are all things to overcome, and there is a lot of honor and pride to be found in continuously pushing yourself to become a better person.

I think this allows me to better understand and appreciate weakness in myself and others.

This post has gotten a bit self-indulgent, but bear with me.

Humans, by our nature, are weak.  Strength is not a sustained entity, but rather a result of effort to grow beyond current limitations.  From the time someone is born, they are fragile.  As they grow, they become stronger.  Depending on how they choose to confront the obstacles before them, they will grow and strengthen in different ways.

Teddy Roosevelt grew up a very frail child.  Rather than allowing his infirmities to dictate the path, Teddy embraced a very strenuous life.  He literally worked his severe asthma out of his body.
Although he was naturally timid, he reports becoming confident and emboldened by reading about the lives of individuals he admired, and incorporating their character into his own.

However, strength comes in great amounts to those who understand their own limitations, and the limitations of others.

Biblical teachings show us much about strengths and weaknesses.
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

I think that we, together in our weakness, become strong.

I think that, above all, through Christ we become strong.

Romans 14:7-9
For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. 8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.

Strength is a wonderful pursuit.  It is even more meaningful in the context of our vast limitations as humans, and our ability to use the results of our efforts to help others.
Primarily, I would like to keep the impact of my relationship with Christ at the center and the ultimate source of strength.
No amount of push-ups can account for that.