Thursday, October 7, 2010

i wanted to write,

but I don't have anything in particular to focus on.

So check this out:

"We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord, and you plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:1-3

-->This verse hit me like a two-story bus. Do you understand how true this is?
The quickest way to ensure failure is to try to force your own happiness removed from God's will. Our own strength can(will) falter, but His is unfailing. His wisdom is eternal. Trust in Him. Place your desires at His feet and follow where He may lead you.

-->I want to find something in this life that I can completely lose myself in; to dedicate my all to, body and soul. I am confident that I will find that one day.

-->I need to learn to place my trust in others. I want to have someone in my life that I can allow to know me the way no one else does: fully and truly. In conjunction with the potential of finding such a person, I have discovered the pressing need to heavily consider the verse posted above.

-->I want to be a father.

-->I need to let go of my fears. I need to let go of being afraid to take a step in the wrong direction, being afraid of failure, being afraid of putting myself too far out there, being afraid of the future, being afraid of giving up "control", and being afraid of investing in others. These things will serve to glorify nothing.

-->I love my mom.

-->School work is one of the least enjoyable things, perhaps only bested by going to the dentist, that I have ever experienced. I consider myself very lucky to be able to make that statement.

-->I want to help others.

-->There is so much that I need to work on, but even more that I need to be thankful for.

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