Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Brotherhood and Inspiration

This is a topic that I admittedly have an increasingly difficult time writing on in a way that properly conveys its importance to me.  It seems appropriate to speak as plainly as I can.  Sorry if it seems a tad gushy.

There are many things that folks take pride in.
This can range from grand accomplishments to loose sports loyalties.

I am supremely proud of my brothers.

Over the past decade, I have formed friendships with a group of men who I regard as brothers in the most genuine and meaningful sense of the word.
I am routinely blown away by not only the character that each of these men possess, but also how unpretentious they are about being such steadfast and inspiring dudes.  The term "rock solid" comes to mind.
To say I am fortunate that these men allow me to be a part of their lives is nothing if not an understatement.  I fully understand how rare it is for so many genuinely good-hearted people to gather together, and rarer still for friendships coming out of a college environment to endure for over a decade.  Yet here they remain.

After much effort and no result, I have decided I can't write anything that is really all that worthwhile about the special nature of such close bonds.

So I will simply say thank you.

Thank you guys, for giving me so much inspiration and never allowing me to feel complacent.
Thank you for challenging me in the best ways possible.
Thank you for providing me a sense of community closer than anything I could have hoped to have known.
Thank you for giving me an impossibly high standard to strive for, and a humbling measure of myself.
Thank you for being willing to drop everything, without a thought and at a moments notice, to lend a hand when needed.
Thank you for doing the right thing because it is the right thing, and making it as simple as that.
Thank you for allowing me to share in your life in a meaningful way.

Truly, thank you for being my brothers.

Every man should be as fortunate as I, to be able to boast a collection of such ties.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Life is big

I have too many hobbies.

That is an odd critique to hold of oneself, but it's certainly valid.
I have an intrinsic curiosity about things that I am not at least remedially familiar with, and tend to bounce from one activity to the next with no real goal of any particular mastery.

This being the case, I have never found myself the type of person to have a "thing" or a natural proclivity to a particular skill set.  I suppose generalist would be an adequate descriptor., and I used to view this as a great negative.  The issue is that I have found myself surrounded by some of the most talented and intelligent people to walk this earth.  Many of my friends find themselves at the top of the collective when it comes to talents and pursuits.  They have the greatest intellect, discipline, empathy, dedication, strength, skill that I have come across respective to their individual gifts.
They have a "thing".
It is inspiring to witness, and on rare occasion outright intimidating.

As I have gotten older I have grown to understand and appreciate how big life is.  There are countless inspiring people that are involved in a million diverse and fascinating pursuits and pastimes.
That's a beautiful piece of life: we may never even be aware of something that gives another an enormous sense of fulfillment and purpose.  I think this is so cool, and almost regret that there is not more time to explore what drives and inspires other people. 

And so, perhaps that is my talent: curiosity and willingness to learn of new skills.
People have commented that they think I know how to do anything (this isn't true, but thanks)
Another good friend of mine who I have known for many years told me that I am the best he's ever seen at not getting bored and always having something to work on.
I consider this one of the greatest compliments you can give someone.

I love spending time learning all I can about something I know little about and sharing it with others.
What's encouraging is that I believe this will be something that I can pass along to my kids, and very much look forward to sharing in their interests.