Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This past summer was a great time. I was able to attend the wedding of two good friends, which was the first one I had ever been to. I lived with some great guys. I spent my time on worthwhile activities (mostly).
I really enjoyed myself, and I frequently miss it. It is certainly nice to have the memories, though.

I'm going to begin posting more casually. This will largely consist of things that I make or find interesting.

That being said:

This a model of a WWII foxhole radio. When connected to an antenna or ground receiver, it picks up AM radio wavelengths. GI's would use these to listen to the news or sports scores where tube radio sets were not practical.
These can be made largely with household items and couple spare hours.
I assembled this one in an afternoon, and although I don't know a ton about radios, it works.